MetLife - Active & Retired Members
The MetLife Plans for Active and Retired members are designed to help you get the dental care you need and help lower your costs. You may purchase coverage for yourself or for you and your dependents. Dental benefits are available for a wide range of covered services – both in- and out-of-network. Find a dentist
Active and Retired members have two options from which to choose:
Standard: A lower level of coverage for in-network and out-of-network services than the Premium plan. Orthodontia services are not covered.
Premium: Greatest coverage with maximum benefits for both in-network and out-of-network services. Orthodontia services are not covered.
For questions regarding the plans or application, please contact PISI at 800-382-1352.
Like most group dental and vision insurance policies, MetLife group policies contain certain exclusions, limitations, waiting periods and terms for keeping them in force. Please contact MetLife for complete details.
MTA Benefits and its licensed insurance agency, MTA Insurance Agency, Inc., are corporations owned by MTA. Under an agreement between MetLife and MTAB/MTA Insurance Agency, Inc., MTAB markets the MetLife Group Dental Insurance Plan and receives compensation relating to the sale of insurance.
United Concordia - Active & Retired Members
Savings on provider fees may be more than 40%. United Concordia is offering members dental plans for the individual; two-party; or family. When comparing dental plans, be sure to compare not only price but the benefits you're receiving too.
Annual Premiums: Individual - $798; Two-Party - $1,488; Family - $2,244
Plan Highlights
- No waiting periods
- Visit any dentist
- Same rate for everyone; cost doesn't vary by ZIP code
- Portable coverage when you travel out of state or out of country
- Benefits are extended to family members
- Coverage is available for dependent children up to age 26 and for dependents of any age who have disabilities
Network Dentists
- No claim forms
- More than 40% average savings off of provider fees
- Payment made directly to doctor
- Thousands of in-network dentists in Massachusetts
- Locations available nationwide
Non-Network Dentists
- Freedom of choice
- Payment made directly to patient
- All eligible plan services are covered, but at a slightly lower percentage
Implant Coverage - Save an average of 44% on provider charges with this dental plan. Visiting in-network providers allow you to maximize your savings.
Apply Online - Please note, if you're using Firefox to view this application, you must first download it before filling out the fields.
Please choose "Advantage Plus Network".
Don't see your dentist in the list? Invite them to join United Concordia or have them call 800-332-0366 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.